Appendix 5. ArtiCAD Conventions.
Measurements. All measurements (widths, depths heights etc) are in whole millimeters. Angles are measured in whole degrees.
Edit. This applies to all items in your design, not just Wall items. Highlight the item you wish to edit by left-clicking on it, then press
the "F1" key on your keyboard. This will bring up the properties of the selected item which you can then change. Click "OK" to accept your
changes, or "Cancel" it revert to the previous settings.
Undo. You can undo the last change you made to your design by clicking "Edit" - "Undo" or pressing CTRL and Z on your keyboard.
NOTE - you can keep undoing changes back to the last 3D view or the start of your design.
Left and right. Usually used with regard to hinging. Imagine yourself in the room looking at the item in question. Left is to your left,
right is to your right.
In and out. In means the item will open or move into the room. Out means the item will open or move out of the room.
Default sizes. Certain properties will have a "*" either side e.g. "*2400*" or "*600*"..
This denotes a default size, usually defined under "This Design" - "Room Settings".
If you wish to alter a default value make sure you delete both "*"'s. The change will only affect the current item.
For the change to affect the entire design, change it under "This Design" - "Room Settings". If you wish to return
a value to it's default, enter a single "*" in the box.
External. Select this option for external walls. The wall section will be drawn thicker e.g. in the kitchen room
system external walls are drawn 300mm thick, with regular walls 100mm.
Hinging. Every unit that has a door will have the option of specifying the hinging for that unit. By default, units will be set to "Automatic"
hinging. This means ArtiCAD will attempt to work out the correct hinging for this unit based on it's position relative to the centre point
of the wall it is placed against. Units to the left of the centre point will be hinged on the left, units to the right will be hinged to the right.
To override this change the hinging drop-down box from "automatic" to the desired handing. The option "none" will remove the handle from
the unit.
Style / Door arrangement. The terms "style" and "door arrangement" can be used interchangably. They both mean the particular combination of
doors, drawers etc. on the front of the unit.
Repeated toolbar buttons. You will see the same toolbar button in different locations. For example, the Tall Filler
appears under the "Fillers" button -
and under the Tall Units button -
. Pressing either button will add the same unit to your design. The buttons are arranged by type (all
the different types of filler under "Fillers") or where you are most likely to use them (if you are putting in a tall unit, it's liekly you will
need a tall filler to go with it).
Double door threshold. If a unit (base or wall) is over 600 wide ArtiCAD will automatically split the door or drawer into two i.e. a 1000 wide full height unit would
have 2 x 500 doors on the front. This can be overridden by selecting a door arrangement that has "Full Width" as a suffix.
Wall unit height, height off the ground. In order to keep the cornice in line around the room, the top of wall units will
default to the same height as the height of your tall base units (larders, oven housings etc). If you increase the
height of a wall unit the top stays in line with the tall units. If you wish to move a wall unit up the wall, specify a
"Distance to move up" value. Positive values move up the wall, negative move down.
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